A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
- Agatha Christie,1890 - 1976
Parenthood IS the Hardest, Longest, most Grueling, Emotionally involved, Loose yourself in everyone else's shit job there is...But it is the most Beautiful Gift anyone could be given...
- Agatha Christie,1890 - 1976
Parenthood IS the Hardest, Longest, most Grueling, Emotionally involved, Loose yourself in everyone else's shit job there is...But it is the most Beautiful Gift anyone could be given...
Kids don't really need us... That's why they're given to us... and then we die.
They are brought into our lives, not visa versa.
It's our job to keep them alive because it's their job to refine us as human beings...
after the superficial hustle n bustle of the daily world, they bring what's REAL back into being.
They're Gifts from God to teach us what it is to really LIVE life.
They are LoVes Purest Form presented to us lost in the socialization process of societies as innocent reminders of how we should be
The moments when we want to pull our hair out because we are trying to help our kids conform,
they are actually developing us...
to keep firm in our essences and stand beside them as the whole is criticized and shots are taken.
The Challenge is to be instinctually strong enough in yourself to be able to believe in them unconditionally...
The Goal is to let our Kids build up our Character rather than loose it to the world.
This moment your feeling right now... It's just part of the process baby.
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