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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm supposed to be able to call you Right here, Right now, and you're supposed to pick up.
But you can't
I was going to post one helluva Happy Birthday on your Facebook too, but you wouldn't be able to read it, not then anyways...
I need you Pops, and this is the first glimpse for a second time of what it would be like if you really weren't around.
So Im going to say right here and right now, I love you and I'm grateful for your presence in my life...
I walked up to your old place today, for the first time since you left, I couldn't finish the walk...
I wish I could call you up and have one of our talks...
Im about to break and you're one of the greatest sources of my strength...
But it's because of you that I know "we'll" make it through this too.

I miss you Hero.

xoxo Me

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