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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wishful Thinking

I wish for just a moment to be... a moment to process the revisions and complete the refinement... to put the best me together for all to see the best of the best that could possibly be... a still moment to just breathe and let everything that's been takin in to combine into the ultimate win... a moment to detoxify and simplify... a moment to fully appreciate what I miss the most- the musky sent of a 9 year olds hair...because I never want to take whats precious for granted... a moment to be greater because I can, to build the courage it takes to make the risks higher... to take the calculated dives of a free form flyer... to stoke my faith in the currents of life and make my belief so solid I would never doubt in their existence or the providers presence... I wish for a moment to even finish this wish, to reveal the innards of my soul and a glimpse at the heart...but a few seconds is all I'm granted... make the most of them, they're all you get and each one could be your last, the next is not guaranteed.

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