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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


If your breathing your affecting

Friday, May 27, 2011

Album 2~ Warrior Princess~ Azaria's Call

It's Zari Bitches!

"This is WAR, Take NO Prisoners!!!"
I Run A-A-A Game
No B Listers
Ur Grinds a Shame
I run so HARD my feet got Blisters
I'm sending out the war cry to all my Star Sisters!
Let the blades fly! Bitch Please! Im-Im-Imma dragon
Hell hath no FURY like Me! I'll put you in the back of the wagon.
You better be listen to the words that I say
Bitch I told you "get the FUCK outta my WAY!"
I'm bout to let this Glow blow
My shine's so bright I'll blind you like snow
I'll leave you in a daze while you watch me blaze baby
I know you see me tryin to ride shot gun in that Pink Ferrari next to that bad ass chick y-y-y-es the Black Barbie
Miss Nicki I gotta say thank you for clearin out all the garbage,
We don't cut through the crap baby we just Flush it!
I'm one of those Girls you was fightin for,
I'm Raw I'm a Beast Why yes I'm Savage.
Weren't you Bitches Listen!!! I am the SUN DRAGON!
I've been through the battles n I've won the War
You wouldn't believe all the wounds that I bore
Scared over somehow ...It's your time now to just watch me SOAR
N no one wants to hear about Gaga no more
She aint nothin buta dumb drunk disco hoe!
Last time I seen the anorexic bitch her bones were dry humpin the dance floor...e-e-e-ew
Hahahahaha Don't you know Miss Nicki taught me how to wrap these coffin oh so pretty with these bows.
I'm the reason you bitches is Thru
I cut you off or cut you out either way I'm whats new
Im what they all about! Pull out the blade
Give em 5 seconds n watch all their doubts fade.
It's all in the image, Yup that's what counts
N it's all to easy to project what they want
All you gotta do is Flaunt your ass n sing
Sleezy is so Easy Beyonce Did it with a Ring
Yup now she's world class! class? is that shakin your ass?
So sad all these Publicity games
why yes its a shame thats how you choose to keep your name in the fame
With so much talent you choose to be lame
Stuck in the same state wrapped up in that cellophane
I fly by you with out being known
You bitches so blind you too busy playin telephone
But I came here to turn this Game around
N NO I ain't stoppin till I burn all you bitches to the ground
Wheres Mary J at? Put her in the zone so she can show all you babies how to get grown.
I'm missing Aretha, Erykah Badu n Miss Left Eye Lopez
Those are the Girls who showed us what Respect Is!
Ladies Raise your voices, n answer the call
LISTEN to that sound!!! Yes It's so RAW
Teach your daughters better, teach em how to stand tall.
Teach em how to Slay them nasty bitches until they all Fall while keepin it picture perfect pigtails n all!
N While you're at it show your sons what a fly honey's all about
Set the example by keepin it on point, strong without doubt
Show him how to spot those chicken heads, tricks n hoes who be frontin
So when he chooses his baby you'll know she'll be stunnin, yup a perfect 100
This has been a long time comin
This change is so over due
It's time to extract the venom
I call for a new You
Be more than they direct you to be
Raise your arms It's time to be Free.
Come on now scream it with me
Yup just Raise the middle finger up n say Fuck the Illuminati
F the Illuminati Hottie? What No Fuck they whole Party!
I'm the shot caller! I choose who I wanna be.
This star inside makes me a warrior of light
I keep my blade blazin Yes I came for a FIGHT!

Inspiration: Bring It Sept 09

I am that Woman, You can BRING It any day-anytime and I got this yo!
"and If you think you know then I don't think you know..."
Cause while you just may be that Bitch, that's just not me, I'm that Bull. That's right a Taurus and It takes a whole pack of BITCHES like you to bring me down.
I'll stand my ground no matter what comes my way today.
So if you think your that Bitch then get your pack and Bring It!
Cause you oughta see the PACK I run with. All Alpha's-all out-all a little Crazy.
You ain't got shit on me!
Ya Ya!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Ugly Truth~ Part 1

I Refuse to Live Like a Coward



I am my own defeat...
Possessed even
to the point of obsessions
Allowing pointless distractions
My focus needs more focus...
I let the moments fly by...I'm missing them
I preach my wishes...

Damaged, that's what they call it.
I'm not Broken I scream...but I am.
Dungeoned that's what I call it
Chained and Wounded
A Dragon on the verge of Death
Must I die?
Winter before Spring
Death before Life
It is what is required for resurrection
A Phoenix from the Ashes... Will I rise?
Ascension vanishes on the ever rising currents out my window
Jealousy fills my being as I watch them Live their dreams
So Envious it's blinded me to what's held within...
Their success makes me feel so small, but is it truly success after all?

So insecure I rage war on others
Is that all bark and no bite? No, I do bite and it's lethal
I have even openly attacked children, children that I adore and Love
I have struck my own...
stunted the growth..
My tongue is venomous
My heart filled with poison
I pray daily for purification
Hermitified by the humility of my actions
I am my own worst enemy
Ignoring the daily realities...

I am a Man Slayer- 3 were married
Forgiveness is UN-comprehensive
How could I ever be worthy to receive let alone give?
At times I have wanted to peel my skin off from shame
I just front a good Game... such a BIG ego... There enters the cellophane...
If they only truly knew
The Hatred seeps from my soul

I have grown Stone Cold...
Emotional detachment comes with ease
Thoughts of fleeting life fills me with Peace.
It's survival
Tears of sorrow no longer fall, like a mermaid warrior...weakness is not allowed, it'll be prodded at.
How thick I have become
He's LUCKY I didn't have a gun
I would have! Your God Damned Right! His brains would have exited the back side of his skull.
Even to this day
He still haunts me, the demon from my dreams, he is the succubus that steals my breath while I slumber
I can't stand the things they've done to me...
Or maybe I can't stand the fact that I was weak enough to let them
I was just a Baby- My own Justifications...
The fear smothered me then... in moments it does now
Even though I'd like to think I'm stronger somehow, I can't give them credit..
They're non deserving of something so powerful

The horrors fill my dreams nightly...I can see their faces... the demons that entrap me...
This desire surges with force
I scream out for hope
I struggle for freedom
I feel the battle for my soul...
I am not strong enough to fight for the win
Can't you see my Blood stained skin?
Do I choose to stay? In the comfortable confines of sin
Save me...
The passage is definite... but my own stubbornness keeps me from making the first step
There are things still to ugly to admit, the mirror makes me sick
There goes the wind...
I wish I could fly...longingly I stretch for the sky

Wishful Thinking

I wish for just a moment to be... a moment to process the revisions and complete the refinement... to put the best me together for all to see the best of the best that could possibly be... a still moment to just breathe and let everything that's been takin in to combine into the ultimate win... a moment to detoxify and simplify... a moment to fully appreciate what I miss the most- the musky sent of a 9 year olds hair...because I never want to take whats precious for granted... a moment to be greater because I can, to build the courage it takes to make the risks higher... to take the calculated dives of a free form flyer... to stoke my faith in the currents of life and make my belief so solid I would never doubt in their existence or the providers presence... I wish for a moment to even finish this wish, to reveal the innards of my soul and a glimpse at the heart...but a few seconds is all I'm granted... make the most of them, they're all you get and each one could be your last, the next is not guaranteed.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Feme Swagg

Not to Toot my own Horn but...This is what Feme Swagg is about!
Pink Creme

Spring Fling

Because Princesses are IMPORTANT!!!

Leopard Sun Dragon

Aqua Swagg

Iced Eyes

Fox Rider A La Nor Cal

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's My Birthday

"I am Who I AM"

Celebrate Who you are!

I've got 28 years in this Game! I Love to Play and Yes I'm Here to stay!
This is my Mothafucking RED Friday! HEEEYYYYY!!!!

I am a Dragon, I eat unicorns for breakfast and shit magic all day long !!!
You ain't got Shit on me homie!
N while I'm at it I'll poo on you n laugh about it to... hahahhahahaha
Maybe you'll sprout a rainbow...It's what I do
I'm not fuckin afraid of them Cowards either
I'm fully funded by a higher Power~I am Not worthy either, that's why it's called Grace, you have to be humble to receive it and that I am... Humble and Grateful
A butterfly emerging from the cocoon this year... with out the fear... the fruition is so near.
Those closest to me caused so many tears...
Thank you God for the refinement it's what Keeps me ShInIn!!!
It's been a ride, can't believe these wings have healed and I can finally Fly.
The breeze of LiFe feels Amazin!!!
It's mine... to glide upon...this day and every day from now on... Yes I'm Blazin!
Today It's my Birthday... You knitted me in my mother's womb and planned for the day I would be born...Thank you God for this Gift.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Cows

A Bull is what I am
Stubborn and relentless
Defiant and rebellious
Breaking out of the fence every chance I get
Consistently pushing the limits
Why does the grass always seem greener?
A Happy Cow is a sight to see, the light with in.
Just standing in the breeze sway-less   
Contentment in just being
Grateful in the blessings
Watching the frolicking cowlettes as I graze in my Lazy Haze
Firm and Immovable
Only yielding to the gentle hand
Be my Shepard O Lord in this Land

Thank you for the Cows... They make me Happy.

xoxo Me...

Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm supposed to be able to call you Right here, Right now, and you're supposed to pick up.
But you can't
I was going to post one helluva Happy Birthday on your Facebook too, but you wouldn't be able to read it, not then anyways...
I need you Pops, and this is the first glimpse for a second time of what it would be like if you really weren't around.
So Im going to say right here and right now, I love you and I'm grateful for your presence in my life...
I walked up to your old place today, for the first time since you left, I couldn't finish the walk...
I wish I could call you up and have one of our talks...
Im about to break and you're one of the greatest sources of my strength...
But it's because of you that I know "we'll" make it through this too.

I miss you Hero.

xoxo Me

Thursday, May 5, 2011


A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
     - Agatha Christie,1890 - 1976 

  Parenthood IS the Hardest, Longest, most Grueling, Emotionally involved, Loose yourself in everyone else's shit job there is...But it is the most Beautiful Gift anyone could be given...

Kids don't really need us... That's why they're given to us... and then we die.
They are brought into our lives, not visa versa.

It's our job to keep them alive because it's their job to refine us as human beings... 
after the superficial hustle n bustle of the daily world, they bring what's REAL back into being. 
They're Gifts from God to teach us what it is to really LIVE life.

They are LoVes Purest Form presented to us lost in the socialization process of societies as innocent reminders of how we should be

The moments when we want to pull our hair out because we are trying to help our kids conform, 
they are actually developing us... 
to keep firm in our essences and stand beside them as the whole is criticized and shots are taken. 

The Challenge is to be instinctually strong enough in yourself to be able to believe in them unconditionally...

The Goal is to let our Kids build up our Character rather than loose it to the world.

This moment your feeling right now... It's just part of the process baby.