My Dragon Lady you are so Beautifully Black and Bold, inside I know how much you hold, a star as your light, it fuels your fight! So spread your wings and take flight, It's time for you to shine like the rarity you are, and show those in disbelief that no one can touch you! No one near and no one far, you're outta their reach, it's them you teach, all who surround you are in awe. You gotta ferocity like no other, and the gentleness to be an amazing Mother. A Beautiful Black Balance, my beast you are my best, let em put you to the test! Armored to the hilt your skin is the thickest hide, only thos you let in see your softer side. I look at you and I'm filled with Pride, it fills you too, so you strut, "Get the hell outta my way! Cuz I just don't giva ****!" Your heart is true, your character noble. So strong and controlled, notta thing gets past you that you don't know, no one gets past you unless you allow them. Others lack faith, they think your a whim, a piece of wishful magic that dissapated with time. That's how they see you, they just don't know how real you are, but I do, I can see your Star! It's POWERFULLY Pink, magnetic and connected to me, to a SiStErHoOd of DRAGONS that glow so Freely, you are a part of my soul that inspires me daily. I can feel your vibe synergze with this LiGhT of mine, we reach into the transparencies of time, you are my sister, my Pink Star Hearted Black Dragon Lady. I love you... xoxo me
~ I miss her I do
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