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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hoshi Rae Come Home

Hoshi Rae Where'd you go?
I don't know but you need to come home
Out finding internal peace
Too much chaos here but It's you who let this beast of her leash
You helped rescue me
My guardian angel you set me free
How am I supposed to get by with out my spirit guide?
How am I supposed to be still inside?
Return to the soul,
Delorne and I miss you so
Like a couple of fools simply existing here with out you
You teach us what it is to LIVE?
How can I raise her with out you?
I do not possess the Truth you give
We need you to be whole
so please Hoshi won't you come back home?

xoxo Zari the Soul

P.S. I found you sitting still, seeking to have all reviled...already home at his feet. Praying for salvation, stripped in silence, voiceless with a heavy heart. Return to me he says that we may never part, there has been sacrifices made to rescue you again, come home to me and be whole so that I may once again live with in my soul. So shall it be make me complete. AMEN!

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