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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Greater Because I Can

The initial reaction is instinctual carnage
Slit their fucking throat for fucking with me
a fuck for a fuck if you will

The Challenge is to be GREATER because I CAN be

To have to total and complete control over my existence
You can try to trip me up but my feet aren't even touching the ground.
I've left you wishing for wings beneath me.
No power over me
I am free
If I give in to you you have all the control. Push to start. 
Keep myself on a leash for the betterment of me...
Keep my power harnessed in reserves
Massed in quantity the greater purpose this power will serve.
I am just a servant in a nice dress...
I am so grateful...
I am HONORED that you would choose me...
How did this come to be that you would call on a sinner like me to make me complete

To accept the LOVE because I AM WORTHY

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