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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just Breathe...

My Heart hurts today... just breathe baby it's ok
I miss you so very much
Maybe I miss the person I thought you were
If I think about the disappointments it's only because I expected so much more
Never hope in mankind... they are but man
I don't know what I did to deserve the hurt
I don't think I ever did anything... aint that the way it goes
Equivalent exchange... my crimes are paid in full... so I think... but who am I really? Nobody
Maybe it's not me at all
Maybe it's just you n your own unhappily ever after
Such a Big Ego
Up so high you can't see the ground beneath you
That's gonna be some blow when you're brought down as low as you can go
Get some get right
Maybe I just feel alone
Like maybe no one in this world really knows me anymore
All the what if's
all the could be's
today they're ripping me apart and I can not breathe
It feels so heavy this heart of mine
so empty... all at the same time...how can that be?
Filled with disappointment, filled with pain
Deprived of Love, stripped of grace
Count your blessings to find what you look for...
I know the pain only exists because of the immense LOVE I have for you
So Be it
I do love you..
I don't know what I ever did to deserve a blessing like that...
That you would LOVE me too.
I am so blessed
Let go of what is and become who you were meant to be
Let go of the Envy
Let go of the Greed
Just let go already and be Free
Appreciate the now because that's all we're guaranteed
This is your Lot
Accept it and be Happy

*Accept that's a heavy word... to receive.. a gift... a blessing... Acceptance is not settling. It's gratuity.

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