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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Let it Shine

This little LiGhT of mine... I'm gon' let it ShInE... Let it SHINE... LET IT SHINE!

I wonder what would happen if I met the 8 year old me...
I wonder what she would encounter if she walked into my 28 year old world
Would she finally feel HoMe? A place where she belonged
Would that brave girl still be scared of what has become?
locked in that dark place?
Would Zach be her child guide?
Is he scared?
Does he feel HOME?
What would my 28 year old self eminate?
Would I feel ashamed of where I am?
Could I explain this was not the plan?
Would I tell her to run down a different path?
I want to hold her in my arms and and gain my innocence back, my courage.
I want to shine again, so brightly that this dark place disappears.

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