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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Monday, October 3, 2011


1 Peter 1:23
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.


This phoenix knows nothing of being caged, nothing of being tamed or tormented with chains
She knows not that kind pain.
She simply is what she is
Pure fire
Mutable and untouchable
She knows no boundaries
She does as she pleases
Igniting all she meets, all she sees along the way
All Joy and Passion she seeds
Completely Free as she burns
Burn she must even the reserves until she fades
The down side to the circle encroaches
The child inside screams
The dragoness guards her retreat
Azaria takes center stage
She has become accustomed to the pain
She knows this side of the circle all to well
Her scars tell of her time spent in hell
Caged and released
My warrior beast
On these demons she feasts
So confident in my ability to destroy
A cold blooded killer
Slayer of souls
It's Gods place to judge them, It's mine to arrange the meeting
I'll rip the vocal cords outcha throat Bitch
Touched only by the child
Fire for Fire
The star inside ignites
It burn so BRIGHT
Fire fuels the fight
The protector of all that is pure and innocent
Humility resonates thru
So grateful for the rescue
Unafraid Facing Death
Stand still
Stay your ground
Do not relent it is the only way for honor to be found
Terrors creep
Delorne weeps
my humanity is so weak
"Shhhh dear child, watch as I sooth the savage beast"~Hoshi speaks
My spirit engages pained by their defeat
The peace bringer
heart healer
soul scar sealer
She is complete
"Oh Faithless Zion
What about your ability to build?
What will you do when there is no battle field?
Quiet yourself to hear the voice within...it the whisper passing through the shouts of sin"
Can you hear the Creator from the observational seat?
"Baby your beauty reaches far beyond any limits you can imagine
It is the truth,
listen no more to the lies,
All ugliness aside
Look at that light she holds inside
"Look how she glows"
Her light is mine
and I declare Yes she will Shine!
Yes she will show!
I give you a love that you've never known"

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