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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Thousand Apologies My Star

A thousand apologies I could send your way, but then I'd spend my time apologizing my day away
It's a waste of being to say I'm sorry when the words just aren't true
I have to do me; you have to do you
If a sorry is what you're looking then here's your suffice:

It's safe to say that your focus needs more focus
Let it go so you're perpetual momentum can continue flow and grow until you're glow shows,
You'll out shine em all Lady.

You're a beacon Baby! Light up and lead the way
A light in the dark your glow comes from with in,
Quit smoldering it, let it blaze!
Choose your own growth, don't stay stuck in that cellophane, it's only a phase.

Don't hate, it's bad JuJu, 
It all comes back full circle, the good thing about being down is the getting up.
It's all perspective... You can be sure Love is what I keep emitting...

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