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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Blessed

My son is alive and so am I, we are alive and healing...
I have a house, NO not a house a temple, a home for you to dwell in...
My family is safe and sound, I am so BLESSED.

Even now I cry, My God, My Lord? Why?

How can this pain consume me still? you have given me so much, I am so afraid of it, it makes me ill. I fear I will loose the will to push on through, so much to be grateful for, so much to loose...I am so afraid of disappointing you.
I am without my friends... I am so down.
Love is lost...You touch me and say "No my dear it is found, it is I who has picked you up off the ground, I carry you through the blessings too, can't you see it is I who has protected you."
It is then I realize you have carried me my entire life... "Will I ever walk?" I ask, you gently reply "No my love you will FLY!"
I am FREE of the burdens that were once placed upon me, all because you carried me through,  Where would I be with out you? My God, My Lord, I Love you! Praises to you my Lord, I am so grateful! Thank you for letting me be a part of something so BeAuTiFuL!

~New Tattoo: Left foot to Right: It was then I carried you: One Step at a Time.

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