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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just as Petty as Can Be

I really wish everyone would quit giving me more credit than I deserve. I don't know what they see in me, I keep telling them it's the cellophane, they just don't want to believe that about me.
I'm not above anything, I'm just me, petty as can be.
I'm not above bashing that dill hole on a public forum,
I'm not above writing or blogging about him and his fugly ass redheaded beer faced bitch. He's a FATTY!!! hahahahahhaha, fucker.
I'm not above putting popcorn in a motherfuckers gas tank,
i'm not above pasting oreo cookies to his car,
I'm not above slashing tires, brickin windshields or even bustin in his door and setting that shit on FIRE!
I am a MONSTER, I am a BEAST, I am a DRAGON, Hell Hath no Fury like me!!!

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