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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi Terry... Run Away

Hi Terry,
It was great getting the chance to speak with you about the possibilities for enhancing your 42 acres..... FUCK YOU TERRY! and your 42 acres!!!
I want to run away! Away from anyone who knows me, away from any responsibility, away from any Mom, Mamas, Aunties, Chass, Chassy, CJ, that I could ever know, away from any possible part of me that is recognizable to the world! Away from a stagnant place of ugghhh, away from this place where I have to watch other people live out my dreams... away from where my heart breaks everyday... away from the disappointment, away from the pain...
I want to run away to my very own 42 acres where there are no tents except the ones I perform in, I want to run away from country to country, city to city, to see all the other people, taste their food and live their cultures, God I WANT TO HEAR THEIR MUSIC! I want to run away to another world, an alternate place of being with out fear, to my dreams where maybe my state of being will really be freely...
I want to run away to my own being, to this girl who screams out at the transitional disposition of me not to be the woman they want me to be! I want to run away into the arms of me, into the arms of the woman I long to see, Azaria "this is War, take no prisioners!" and Hoshi Rae "There is a need for Grace in this Day and Age," Delorne is expressed right here on this page! I want to run away to where she be, where is she?...
She ran away...

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