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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring Sprites

Here's to sunny spring filled afternoons watching pure sprites of joy dance across dandelion filled fields!

Spring 2011~ "Auntie! Auntie! Let's go lay in the WiShEs!" ~ Absolutely beautifully priceless.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Do I lack faith enough?...
Do I lack HoPe?...
What is it inside that feels so empty?...
This void so large and deep, it seeps my soul to the world through an open wound that refuses to heal.
I can't close it, so open it stays,...
open to pokes prodes and sickly infection from the corrupt,
open and completely vulnerable...
Not even time has worked it's wonders, seemingly non existant,
it too is open, an infinite lapse that holds all and has no mercy...
Is this the edge of reality?...A space so vast it has no bounds... limitless is the mind, ...Insanity is the key to flying freely with in this space... it's so open...
I can feel the breeze of life sting every surface, every ounce of my being screams outward...Seal it shut! Burn it closed...
"Only when you let go of who you are, can you become what you might be..."
Only one choice... only one... let go... scar me shut.

Friday, May 7, 2010

FOLLOW your Heart!!!

I mentioned getting a tattoo for Mothers day, no one even wanted to know what of? or why? I was simply told to hold my tounge because my youth doesn't give the privliages of wisdom... How do they know what my eyes have seen or my soul has endured... You will feel differently when your older, you don't want to ruin your chances at a corporate career, where do you want to be in Five years in the company, you can't go into a meeting with tattoos and demand respect because all people see is drugs and a hard life..., Well LET THEM SEE IT! Damed corporate america to HELL!!! I have had a hard life and I will pay homage to my Mother and my Father by engraving them in places of honor upon the temple that I have been blessed with! My LIFE is nothing to hide, it is a story of survival and strength, of endurance and courage, LET THEM SEE IT!!! for they see with blind eyes and know nothing of the truth, NEVER give up your dreams for the money that corporations offer, you sell your soul for what?!? A lie of a career, NEVER give in, NEVER give up, because in 5 years you'll be that much closer to your hearts desire. Don't settle for what is privey or expected by others, Seek, Find, and Live it out Honey, Life is but a breath!!! Make it as deep and long and fullfilling as you can... Tattoos here I come & at 80 years old when I have to pull my skin to see them clearly I will remember and I will have all my heart desires.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


If Amy Lee can do it so can I... So what she's been trained in classic piano since she was 6... I can feel this in my soul, so be it...

Album 1~ Eclectic~ my paradigms
Song 1_Wings
Song 2_Gemini
Song 3_Eagle Man
Song 4_ Leo
Song 5_Roots
Song 6_Star

Album 2~ Warrior Princess~ for the YaYa's of the world
Song 1_Warrior Princess
Song 2_Phoenix
Song 3_Magnolia's Masquerade
Song 4_In the Den
Song 5_Dragon Lady
Song 6_Flawless
Song 7_ Azaria's Call

Undecided But Definite
So Far Off
Keep It All
You're Feet

Life is...

Life is EnErGy in perpetual motion, ever flowing, growing, and shining in our minds eye. LIFE is BeAuTiFuL!