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Hope is Healing Life Revealing This is mine...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Once upon a time

He roamed around the land looking for a dragon to slay and a princess to save and when he came upon them both he found that they were one in the same and she didn't need saving at all.

Friday, January 10, 2014

A whisper of me

I've been stripped of a voice for too long...
Reading back through I thought maybe I should just delete this place.
There's so much pain...
sure a few golden moments of aha
a few glittering moments of glistening sun filled happiness...
But for the most part this place is a dumping ground.
Have I really grown so little?
That's not the reality...
I LOVE this place!
This place has been my safe haven.
A place where my ugly truths were safely confessed,
where my darkest secrets were set free without judgment.
This is my JuJu Converter.
This is the only place where every bad, ugly, and negative vibe can become beautiful.
This is my transformation station...
My place of renewal reformation.
I was drawn here for who knows what reason,
maybe because I've once again let the world reduce me to a shell of me...
No Hoshi guide, no Firebird shine, no dragon left all inside...
voiceless and stripped I've returned with a need for comfort and shelter...
New truths still too ugly to admit but too heavy to bear...
I'm broken from the inside out, spirit and all...
soul bleeding all over the place n shit!
Making the already explosive mess of my life spiral even further out of containments reach...
one step closer to the edge we call collapse and twice as far from sanity.
I've walked that fine line for a while now...
so far past the breaking point I don't know where this existence is or how I'm still existing in it?
I thought a person broke at the breaking point... that's why it's the fucking breaking point!!
Yet here I am back in my safe place,
Given back my a whisper of my voice,
A confirmation of hope, the sound of me.