well FU then!
"I gotta List and Here's the Order that my List is in: You Get NO LoVe"
You're a waste of engery, why do you plague me, go away into the disapperations of time and take your hazardous essence with you, it leaches my soul juice and I'm tired of sharing.
You're a waste of engery, why do you plague me, go away into the disapperations of time and take your hazardous essence with you, it leaches my soul juice and I'm tired of sharing.
Fuck you! I HATE you! Go To Hell, Straight to Hell, Do not pass Go Do not collect 200 Souls just go straight to HELL!
No I don't like what I do, Yes it's just a JOB, YES IT"S JUST A PAYCHECK, it keeps food my boy's mouths, No I wouldn't have applied for this shit, it's not what I applied for in the first place, it's where you stuck me. I just try to make the best of it. Sorry that's not what you want to hear and sure we can meet back in a couple of weeks to see if my ATTITUDE has changed, I guarantee it hasn't. I hate this shit. He's the pied piper n he plays you like a fiddle. I'm sorry your so blind you can't see through his cellophane like he's not wearing that shit. But I am grateful that I can see through him and I refuse to be blind. He's a snake in the grass, but we both have scales now don't we. I'll give you what you want and suffocate slowly knowing it's God's will to keep me alive. I will do this to survive, he will provide. Protect oh Lord, be my guide... accept this prayer from a desuetude and broken spirit, be my fuel... Amen xoxo me
Its like with every word you say it injects venom into my body and I instantly feel hatred ooze throughout me. It's just you! You fucking snake! You have no ones best interest in mind and I absolutely fucking hate you! I don't know how else to go about it.. there is NOTHING in the WORLD I would ever want to learn from you. I don't want to be like you at all. It's all cellophane with you! I just wanna bitch slap you because that's what you are! You FAKE ASS MOTHER FUCKER! N everyone keeps telling me to just play the game. Straight up I don't fucking like games, and I don't play them when it comes to life. Smile CJ.. I don't fucking feel like it because instead of being inspired everyday I'm babysitting you... you piece of fucking selfish succubus.This is an official Raping of my soul because I am officially SCREAMING NOOOOO!!! And any which way I take a stand it's gonna be bad so who gives a shit about anyone else right? It's dog eat dog motherfucker and I'm a dragon. Run Bitch Run!
Its like with every word you say it injects venom into my body and I instantly feel hatred ooze throughout me. It's just you! You fucking snake! You have no ones best interest in mind and I absolutely fucking hate you! I don't know how else to go about it.. there is NOTHING in the WORLD I would ever want to learn from you. I don't want to be like you at all. It's all cellophane with you! I just wanna bitch slap you because that's what you are! You FAKE ASS MOTHER FUCKER! N everyone keeps telling me to just play the game. Straight up I don't fucking like games, and I don't play them when it comes to life. Smile CJ.. I don't fucking feel like it because instead of being inspired everyday I'm babysitting you... you piece of fucking selfish succubus.This is an official Raping of my soul because I am officially SCREAMING NOOOOO!!! And any which way I take a stand it's gonna be bad so who gives a shit about anyone else right? It's dog eat dog motherfucker and I'm a dragon. Run Bitch Run!
~I hear them talk about me like I don't exist... I feel like this essence inside of me could rip free of this fleshy capsule and tear them apart! This force is going to explode... Get the FUCK out of the way.
FU Bills
FU Worries
FU Energy Suckers and Money Hungries
FU Doodie
FU Moodie
FU Old ass ripped up Hoodie
FU Fears
FU Tears
FU Dirty Dishes and Laundry too!
FU Dirty Lou
FU Unmade Bed
FU Migrain in my Head
FU Men
FU Vanity and FU Skin
FU Exhaustion I'm here to win!
FU Back Pain and FU Snow Chains
FU 10 hrs of time btwn my Baby and I
FU Storm clouds in my sky, Bring on the Rain!
Still I Fly!

01/04/11~ Ew,
Yeah I'm still gonna say it, I DON"T FUCKING CARE if it's petty, maybe I'm just as petty as the next beast when it comes down to it, So be it... And While I'm at it I think I figured out why we never worked Dill Hole! You're a BITCH!!! that's right a Bitch Boy and do you know what bitches are supposed to date? Other bitches! that's right birds of a feather flock together motherfucker. I was a Beast loving a Bitch, no wonder you pussed out. Eww Ew Ew!!! Fuck You Both!
I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all.
P.S. I hope you get a testicular cancer scare you sorry peice of shit!
I thought you were a King; Turns out your just a pig.~ FU
(This is the day I liked sometimes your knight in shinging armor is just a retard in tin foil~Go Facebook!)
I guess that isn't all is it? I hate b/c I hurt, I hurt b/c of you, Letting go of your abuse has been healing, can healing come from hate? Is it truely a poisoned antidote? I don't think so, it's never been the hate that healed, only my love for you. In my heart I know I wish you the best, I pray that God brings your light to full shine, you were so beautiful.
You are the cowardly kind, a spineless sack of shit~FU!
As for you, you fugly ass redheaded beerfaced bitch! How dare you take my investment of love!When he's driving the car you bought him and you're cleaning up his drunken piss b/c he drank too much on your disney land vacation with his Mom and peed the bed then you can step to me, until then I hope he raises a pan to your head. Fuck You!
PS. Just so you know you can dye your hair any color you want, you're still a fugly bitch... hahahaha
06/10/11~I'm sooooo mad inside I feel like I could scream at the top of my lungs out of pure anger for a week straight and still spit bullets for 2 whole days!!! and if anyone got in the way they would be obliviated by force of hatred excreating from the sound waves, it would be powerful enough to penetrate the very fibers of their being and consume their soul until they dis-apparate into thin air and left me the fuck alone!
08/12/2010~ PISS OFF YO!Wiped, tired, exhausted, irritable, grouchy, drained, empty, existing, revolving, evolving, blank, bitchy, savior no more, fix your own, pick up your own, do your own and leave me alone, there's no more left to withdrawal, no more left to share, nothing left to give except the load you gave me, here take it, I'm done. No you can't make a deposit, the account is severely in overdraft and has been permanently closed, please feel free to fuck off @ any time.
09-15-10~ I want my Ya Ya Back! I miss her! Who's gonna Ya Ya it up with me if not her? FU HiLo You can't have her!!! Give her back! She's mine damned it!
09-28-10~FUCK FUCK FUUUUCKKK YOOOUUUU, and you, and you, and you, you're cool-* you know who you are*, and especially FUCK YOU!!!
11-16-10~God I hate people! I hate havin to talk to them for more than 10 min. increments on a single occation, WTF makes you think I wanna talk to that same person multiple times additionally throught my fuckin day? I just don't give a FUCK about your round pen lady! That's right I don't fuckin care. I don't care if you need a discount b/c your a non-profit! Do my commissions look like a fuckin Charity Base to you BITCH! FUCK YOU! That's what the worlds given me, so that's what I'm givin you! A BIG OL' FUCK YOU!!! Why? Cuz I don't fuckin like you, I didn't like the message on your voicemail, I didn't like your voice as a matter of fact, it wasn't just your lame as fuckin message, oh no I just didn't fuckin Like YOU! FUCK YOU! and no I can't fuckin smile cuz I'm not fuckin FAKE like you! Yes I wear this shit on my sleeve, it fuckin stinks don't it! Good maybe you'll fuckin go away, I didn't fuckin like you anyways!